Tuesday, July 28, 2009

As not seen on TV

A low budget (some might say low-rent) spot for Purity Organics. Obviously this was never meant for TV (you can still read his lips), but is meant to be circulated "virally" on the web.

Plus, it's 43 seconds long. Too bad, because with a bit of discipline--and script editing--it could have been a much better spot. I mean, how many "motherfuckers" do we have to hear before we get it? He's angry.

Edgy. And unfortunately, just a bit over the edge.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One pony trick

While I'm not usually a fan of children in advertising, the little girl shown here makes the spot work (you get the feeling they cut away right before she started crying). A nice, simple idea that makes a point about a bank I've never heard of but would like to know more about.

Bank of America could never pull this off because...well, they've got no soul.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sweet and sour (not necessarily in that order).

Here are a couple of :15's for Sour Patch Kids. They're a bit bizarre, but it's a fun way to describe the taste of the candy.

Friday, July 10, 2009

So much fun, this blog post just keeps going

Thought you might enjoy seeing a few more of these commercials.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The most interesting beer commercials in the world.

I've been known to knock the big NY ad agencies because so much of their work is dreck. But these commercials for Dos Equis are wonderful. A perfect blend of humor and attitude helps make the beer memorable. The line "I don't always drink beer, but when I do I prefer Dos equis" is a nice conceit. If he only drank beer he wouldn't be the most interesting man in the world.

And yes, the "stay thirsty my friends" ending is yet another attempt to hijack popular lexicon much like "Wassup" and "Where's the beef?" did (it seems every advertiser swings for that fence these days). But in this case, it fits perfectly with the character.

Well done.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Knob job.

If you had a car and an empty tank last summer, you know the laws of supply and demand can certainly be manipulated. $4 a gallon gas, indeed.

It could be, as stated in this Knob Creek ad here, that they actually
are running out of their tasty bourbon. But methinks this is more likely a bit of marketing mischief aimed at increasing sales. Nothing like telling Americans they're running out of something to make them want more (drill, baby, drill!).

And if by some chance they are telling the truth, and there's no more Knob...well, Jack will do just fine, thank you.