Wednesday, June 24, 2009

TWC. Great products. Crappy commercials.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Several years ago, our agency did the TV, radio, print and direct mail advertising for the local Time Warner Cable division in Raleigh...

OK, I hate the national Time Warner Cable TV commercials. They're always so lame. Have been for years and years. Never funny. Poor production values (shouldn't a cable company's TV spots at least LOOK good?). DirecTV spanks them every time.

These newest ones with Mike O'Malley are as ugly as they are unfunny. Take a look. Borrrrring (even with a puppy)!

Too bad. Because really, Time Warner Cable offers good products. Their digital channels come in crisp and clear, their HD channels even better. You seldom lose picture in a rainstorm like satellite TV. Their DVR is simple to use and reasonably priced. And Road Runner is a consistent and reliable internet source.

Sure, they're a monopoly, raise prices consistently, and have so-so customer service (if you can get through). But what they sell is a good product and they deserve better advertising then they get.

There! I said it!

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