You may glance in your rearview mirror these days and notice the spooky, predatory headlights of the BMW behind you. Unmistakably distinctive and no doubt conceived as a status symbol, they remind the world you shelled out top dollar for your Euro ride.
Not to be outdone, Audi recently added their glitzy, glam rock star, L.E.D eye-liner look to most of its cars, available even on the semi-modest A4. Viewed in bright daylight, the look is startling--as aggressive and eye-catching (and garish) as anything I've ever seen.
Now, I suppose that's the purpose of daytime running lights: to be noticed. But something tells me there's a little more marketing than safety going on here. What's next in this high-tech game of one-upsmanship??
Of course, you can always go low-tech like Mercedes Benz and just slap the biggest logo you can find on your grill. Also ego-centric, but not nearly as fun.
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